♥ Welcome to Crumbs & Whiskers! ♥

Crystal - Mateus - Lavender Beds - Ward 7 - Plot 29

♪ Land and Hand ♪
Food Catering

Looking to stock up on a surplus of supplies before you begin your next round of crafting aspirations? We offer the very highest quality dishes made from the very finest ingredients.Enjoy the delicious benefits of our perfect dishes. Your craftsmanship is guaranteed to improve after a belly full of Crumbs & Whiskers gourmet!

Calamari Ripieni

30,000 gil - per dozen

Calamari stuffed with onion, garlic, rice, tomatoes, salt, black pepper, mint leaves, parsley, squid, and tomato juice.

Cunning Craftsman's Draught

10,000 gil - per dozen

A bolstering drink made from Ambrosial Water, Berkanan Sap, Light Gerbera and Kudzu Root.

Tsai Tou Vounou

21,000 gil - per dozen

A delicious mountain tea made from a blend of nutritious herbs and a dash of secret Moogly spice!

Carrot Nibbles

20,000 gil - per dozen

Gourmet shredded carrots topped with parsley and flavoured with lemon and a light burst of citrus.

♫ Raid Food Catering ♫

About to set off to explore what savagery the world has hidden? Or even plan of questing with your pals? How about embarking on the biggest trials faced with your fellow FC members?We can cater to your next big adventure with batches of handmade high quality raid tier meals.Only the finest ingredients are used and, with a touch of Moogly Magic, you'll be ready to face your next big adventure!Enquire about our delicious filling raid meals today!

All Raid Tier Meals are a flat price of 24,000 gil per dozen batch.

Touda Amariyo

Cafe Owner

Lemme getcha a kup'o coffee! Thank you for visiting Crumbs & Whiskers! ♥ If there are any questions/concerns or even suggestions, let the Moogly Delivery Service send me a message!

Drackos Solomon


Helps around with inventory & maintaining orders. Also when not busy helping around the café you can catch him being Touda's personal pocket healer.

♣ House Rules ♣

Please know that this is a café and that we expect a certain amount of decorum from our customers. Adhere to the following rules and we will get along just fine!

  1. Behavior: Under no circumstances should there be any discriminatory language to any guests or staff or minions.

  2. Emotes: Turn your emote logs off whilst in and around the café.

  3. Café Etiquette: This is a place to relax and unwind, please keep your weapons sheathe for safety of patrons & fellow minions.

  4. Dress code: Please keep your pants on at all times. This is a SFW café. What happens after hours is entirely your business!

  5. Advertising: Please refrain from advertising in & around the café without prior consent from a host.

Remember to always be PomFriend or the Mogglesguard will be very displeased. Kupo!
Thank you for your patronage!

★ Contact Us ★

We also offer other services as well so please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to partake in helping with the café.If you are unable to find Touda Amariyo or any staff of Crumbs & Whiskers in-game, please feel free to add
touda. on Discord to address any queries you may have!